Saturday, February 9, 2013

To: Laurie Probster  (Mother of Brenda Hutchenson)
RE: My son: Noah Hutchenson

I am again contacting you in writing this letter to you Laurie as I have fully accepted that your daughter Brenda Hutchenson has no intention of ever in life letting me see my child or ever letting Noah meet his natural father so I have come to accept the reality that this will be a war between the parents of this child until the Day of Judgment when God will interview in this situation and solves this issue once and for all. I want you to know as Brenda’s mother that I meant what I said about my intentions to raise my son as his father and to be there for him in this life as all fathers should be with their children. I understand that you do not want to get involved in this situation between me and your daughter but you are involved in it and if I cannot penetrate the evil that is inside of this your daughter I will try other means to get my words across to who over comes in contact with my child. Noah Hutchenson is my son and I am his father and just as Brenda made a promise to me that I will never see my son I have made a promise to this world and to the Creator of this world that until my eyes close permanently and until the final day I walk this earth I will seek to reach my son and fight against this evil that refuses to let me see my child and until the angel of death take my soul from my body.

I want you to know Laurie as the mother of Brenda Hutchenson that just as you are reading this letter it has also been sent to some of your friends on Facebook, some of her friends and relatives on Facebook and also some of Kelly’s friends on Facebook, about 30 people on Facebook received this message and I will also be posting my words on the internet for all to read regarding this situation with my child and the evil that is in your daughter Brenda Hutchenson.  This will be the first series of letters and blogs and writings that I shall leave on the internet about the evil that is against me that continues to refuse to let me see my son and let this child meet his natural father.

 I know that continuing to write and expose this woman’s evil to you or her relatives or people on Facebook will do no good because even after they read my words and know in their heart I am right and speaking truth they can do nothing about it and really could care less to speak to her knowing she is wrong and I am trying to do what is right no one will speak against her.  She is a white woman with a clean record and I am a black man with a criminal record so the favoritism automatically goes to her side due to the fact that she is a white and I a black man who also happens to be Muslim so I’m automatically looked at as the villain in this situation but now I have a different form of continuing my fight against your daughter and her evil until she allows me to see my son I will not stop my persistence to raise my son on the path of God in this life.

At this time I cannot go to Arizona due to the fact I now have a criminal case against me and have to deal with this now and cannot come to Arizona until this case is over so I must fight from far away and I know the power of the internet can reach people who may be willing to help me once they find out what is in my heart and what my intentions are for my child.

In October of 2012 I was in the process of quitting my job and leaving my girlfriend the leave for Arizona to file a motion with the State for my visitation but got into some trouble in Fargo over a man who did something to me and I retaliated against him so most likely I will be going to prison soon because I need to give them some time in order to put this behind me which I do not fear, prison makes some men extremely stronger physically, spiritually, physically and mentally so I am planning on turning myself in for a case because I cannot leave go to Arizona yet until it is resolve. If I had never got into trouble in Fargo right now I would be in just settling in Arizona preparing my case with Maricopa County Family Court but it has been put off until I am done with my time with the state.  Most likely I will take a deal for a sentence that me and my attorney can agree on then I plan to go to Arizona or whatever State Brenda is after I get out of prison and to file a motion with the court over this matter. I know that this may take some time but again, I have accepted that this is a new war in my life that will continue until death comes to one of us, this is not a threat, I am simply saying I know how evil this woman is and no matter what she will not come around and do what is right by her son or me so this will most likely be a war within the Family Court system in whatever state she is in. She can continue to move and move and move and I will continue to move and move and move to whatever state she ends up in. Child Support has her information and social security number on file from the case I filed up in Fargo so not too many places she can hide in without them finding her. I am seeking a Court Order from a judge and again let me rephrase my words because some people can take what you say and twist things to say you are threating them.

 I am going to deal with this matter through the court system and through Social Services and Child Protection Services, if we cannot come to an agreement on our time with our child I will ask that the courts step in and place him in foster care or make him a Ward of the State and let them control when he gets to see his dad and when he gets to see his mom. I plan to contact every Family law attorney in that state and seek their advice on what I need to do to see get visitation for my child and who I need to contact and what are the steps. Again, I know this can take a long time, with my court issues and how family Court deals with this kind of situation I know this can be a lengthy process, this could take 3, 4, 5, or 6 years but eventually we as fathers all end up seeing their children sooner or later, I know it will take time.
Since I cannot leave for Arizona until this court case is done I will fight with my words in letters and online writings against your daughter until I can reach someone or an attorney that can possibly help my situation, I know all it takes is a lawyer who knows what he’s doing so my plans are to reach as many lawyers as I can who can point me in the right direction on what to do about my case against your daughter. I am a father who has never seen his son and who the mother refuses to let me see my son and I am a father who wants to raise his child and do what is right for myself and my child, what judge can say no to that? I have talked to Attorneys and they all have told me the same thing, “unless you have some drug problem or sex crimes or crimes against children there will be no judge in the country that will deny you your right to spend time with your son”. I know that Brenda will make up lies against me and say I support Jihad and terrorism which is all non-sense; I simply support the Palestinians and condone the treatment by Israel against my Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza which has nothing to do with my abilities to raise my child. My political views are irrelevant to this case, I have already told a number of attorneys what she will try to bring up, their responds was “Their not even gonna look at that, their main concern is what is best for the child” Who I support in the Middle East is irrelevant. I know there was a case in Fargo where I throw an object through a window and the child’s father lied and said it landed in the crib of his baby they found out that was a lie and dropped the charges against me so that incident cannot stand against me, this man started a fight with me inside a bar and it was a fist fight, that has nothing to do with my ability to raise my child, my anger was directed at him and not his son that is why I was only charged with Criminal Mischief, that’s because a window got broke, it is irrelevant to this case between me and your daughter. But at this point until I am done with my time in prison I will use the internet as my way of exposing the evil of your daughter until an attorney or a judge take interest in my case.

I plan to write every judge in the county and every Family Law Attorney there is in Maricopa County and informing them of my intentions for my child and the lifestyle that your daughter is living right now. Although Homosexuality is becoming the norm for American society today, I do not approve of that lifestyle for my son or want him to accept that it is ok. I do not care how Brenda lives her life but there is a concern that my son who is male is being raised in a Lesbian household that could affect his up bring and how he views the world and society. I would advise Brenda to take serious consideration to what I am saying about this and what I plan to tell these attorneys and every judge I can get a hold of on this matter because although Americans are starting to accept Homosexuality as the norm, there are judges out there who may just agree with what I am saying regarding this matter.

No man wants his son to turn out to be gay, no man. If there are, there are very few, most dad’s do not accept this, most of the time it is the mother who just learns to accept this but that is not my point, I do not care how people live their lives but I do care about how my son views the world and I know and the courts know and the attorneys know this fact:
Children especially boys need male role models to be around and all children need fathers and here you have a case of a lesbian couple who is trying to raise two boys without males around, how will this affect their upbringing as men? Well guess what, we are about to find out because I am writing a letter for the public to read that I will print up over 1000 copies of and send this letter to Attorneys and Judges in Arizona to get their opinion on what I need to do to see my son.

Again I advise you to take consideration in what I am about to write because I know what I am about to write will be strong and will affect someone who will do whatever they can to help me with my situation, I believe If I even find an attorney who will read my words and completely agree with what I am saying, who has 3 boys of his own, who probably went through the same thing with his ex-wife and who also knows that boys need males in their lives and they also need fathers in their lives. Fathers are important to the lives of children and when you have a father who has never seen his son because the mother of the child is so evil she refuses to let him see him because she believes she is “protecting” him from his dad because she feels his dad is crazy and violent and has psychological issues and which none of these things are true and the courts find out this clearly is not the case and the father never even had the chance to be with his son, most courts will at least grant visitation unless the father proves otherwise that he is not suitable to raise his child by his mental outlook on life so it has to be in the courts best interest to at least give the father a chance until he proves otherwise. It’s not up to Brenda to diagnose me as a man who is crazy because she is not a licensed physiologist to make that claim, they can have me evaluated by a trained psychologist and if they find nothing wrong with me which I know they won’t and God knows they won’t, she’s the one that’s going to look crazy making up these lies about me, do my writings sound like a man who needs to see a therapist?

Back to the subject, it must also be brought up how the child was conceived in the first place and how well does the mother know the father. Do you realize Laurie that your daughter does not even know me and has spent less than 8 hours with me? Were you aware of that? Brenda and I had sex one time the first night we met. I met Brenda on MySpace website and we exchanged e-mails for about a week and agreed to meet. She picked me up in front of the grocery store and we went back to her house and I drunk a couple of beers and she put Elijah to bed and took me into her bedroom and had sex with me in a matter of 4 hours, maybe 3. Now is that mature adult behavior for a mother? To meet strange men on the internet and bring them to your home around your child when you don’t even know this man and have sex with him within a matter of hours? Is that mature adult behavior for a woman?? After sex she also asked me would I be willing to have sex with her and her girlfriend Ginger in a threesome, she knows this is the truth and Ginger knows it’s the truth too. Is this appropriate behavior for a responsible mother Laurie?

Noah was born out of a one night stand and was thought to be the child of her first son’s dad in which she believed that up until he was born.  I had left North Dakota and did not speak with this woman for 9 months then she contacted me while I was in Florida out of the blue and told me I had a son. She thought all along this child was her first child’s father and told me before I left Fargo she thought we should go our separate ways because she was getting ready to have a second child and was getting back together with her first child’s son because she thought it was his. Now here is a situation- where this woman didn’t even know who’s child it was and thought it was the child of her first son and probably had him thinking for 9 months he was about to have another child and when the child comes out she says “I don’t think this is his baby” then she contacts me after 9 months and tells me “I made a mistake, it’s your baby” and now 2 years later decides she’s gay and she is now a lesbian living with another woman denying this child to see his dad? You call that a woman who is in control??

 I spent 8 hours with this woman on a Monday and saw her for maybe 3 or 4 hours and she took me home after we had sex and I saw her that Thursday for maybe 4 more hours and we went to a club and drank and that was it. I never saw this woman again. We texted back and forth after she told me she had the baby but we got into an argument after 2 weeks because I called her just to check on my son and she got upset and told me I would never see my child ever in life because I called her Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to check on him and she refused to call me back and let me know how my son was doing and I told her “Well you’re not returning any of my phone calls so its oblivious you don’t want me in his life so I will walk away then, I tried to be there for him but you refuse to let me know how he’s doing so I’ll leave you guys alone”

 I finally received an e-mail from her on Monday morning and do you know what she said to me? “That’s all I needed to hear, now you’ll never see your son!!” It’s almost although she was waiting for an excuse, listen to how this sounds ………”That’s all I needed to hear” Does that not sound like someone who was waiting for an excuse? Oh you do not believe me? I will forward you our conversation from that day and you see it for yourself, I will send you her e-mails to me and you read them and see it for yourself. This woman has been nothing but pure evil to me ever since she informed me of this child but it will not stop me.

From now on everything I write will be posted on the internet attached to her name and also to his name, I want you and Brenda to know your evil will not stop me from trying to reach my son. I am planning to post videos to speak to him on YouTube and post my words and my thoughts to him all under his name. Noah Hutchenson, all of my writings will be posted under that name and also the name of Brenda Hutcheson. This is right and it is truth. Tell Brenda she will have to change his name unless she wants him to see my words to him when he gets older and Google’s his name. Everyone and every kid Google’s their name sooner or later and I swear by Allah I shall leave my words and videos online for him to come across when he gets older. Just in case you try to change his name I also will post my words under your name Brenda as well, if he Google’s his name he will also eventually Google your name also and I will post my words to him under both your names to for him to read my words to him. Is this wrong?? Is this evil?? Well let’s see:
If a parent child was kidnapped and they knew who the kidnappers were but they couldn’t do anything about it, would any normal parent ever give up on finding their child? Would they try different strategies? Is it evil for a father to want to see his child and raise his child? Is that really evil?? Is it not normal for a father to want to be with his children? Or is it evil to keep a child from his mother or father, is that evil?

 Which of the two is evil: A father trying to find his son to give him the love and care and attention he needs or is it evil to continue to keep a child from his father so they cannot create the bond a child needs with his father. Which one is evil, tell me?
  Laurie I am letting you know that for the remainder of my life I will seek my son and search the earth for him until the day I am put inside of that grave because this is what is right and this is what Noah would want his dad to do. No child on this earth would not want their father to fight for them. What your daughter is doing is wrong and pure evil and will affect this child throughout his life because sooner or later he will grow up and after 6, 7 8 or 9 he will start to ask questions. He will go to school and he will begin to realize that it takes two parents to make a child not one. He will soon find out something is missing. He will see other children with their dads and other kids will begin to ask him where is his dad and he will not have an answer for them. He will see his friends dads in the stands at pop warner games looking on proud of their son and how happy his teammate was to make that play and he will begin to feel the emptiness of not having a father to impress also then he will begin to ask the questions that will start to grow in him and haunt him all his life as it haunted me all my life not having a mother, he will ask:
 “Mom, where’s my dad? Why don’t I have a dad also?”
Then Brenda Hutchenson will have to make a choice, she will have to choose which lie to plant in him, the two choices will be as follows:
Option one: “You dad passed away and he died when you were young”
Option two: “I don’t know where he is, he’s crazy he left you and wants nothing to do with you and I didn’t want him around you, he’s a violent crazy man and I had to protect you from him”

Let us say she chooses Option one. She tells Noah I am dead and I died long ago and one day Noah Google’s his name and see’s all my writings to him and videos to him online and is shocked to learn the that I am still alive and he finally learns the truth about me. To learn that his father has never known any stress like this, not being able to be in his life because of the evil that was in his mother that was kept from him for all those years. He will see the new channel I am planning to create on YouTube where I will speak to him through videos and tell him the truth about how his mother kept him from me all because I wanted him to believe in God and install the habit or prayer in him, how will he feel about that?

How will he feel if she tries to change his name and I have posted all my same writings under the name “Brenda Hutchenson” also and he Google’s her name one day also and all my posting pull up and I also write “She may try to change your name because she is determine to keep my words from you about this life and about the Day of Judgment and about God and prayer and doing good deeds, my dear son, your mother kept you from me all because I was a Muslim and extremely religious and she does not want you to believe in God or have faith in the after-life” How will he feel about that and how will he view his mom after he finds out the truth that he father was not crazy after all, his father was just a man who was not afraid to become violent and was not afraid of the police and was not afraid to hit or be hit or shed blood but was just simply a man who didn’t let people get away with disrespecting him, how will he feel Laurie?

Well I want to expose to you and to the world in my writings which all will be posted on the internet under his name and Brenda’s name that I wanted the best for my son. I wanted to be there for him while in school, while playing sports, while learning about God and his scriptures and learning about why he was put on this earth. My son as I also was put on this earth to worship the Creator and do good deeds and give to the poor and do acts of Charity as the Quran tells us to. This was what she wanted to keep from my son, my words of trying to live the way God intended for us to live, to keep up prayer on a regular basis and to do right in this life so we can get to the Paradise to live next to God that is the ultimate achievement in this life. She wanted to keep the instructions of the Quran and the Bible away from him which both have the same message inside them but the Christians will never accept this.

To do good deeds, give to charity, establish regular prayer and worship and praise your Creator and be thankful for the gifts he gave to us, this is what your daughter wanted to keep from my son, the truth about this life because she knows God does not approve of Homosexuality and she is living in darkness blinded by this new homosexual movement sweeping across this country. She and Kelly as the rest of the gay community believe in this new saying that is becoming accepted by this country today. “Love is love, you can’t help who you love” This is the new gay slogan and Brenda has accepted this as her truth but has no idea how this will affect these two boys as they get older. The children are young and innocent and happy with this but soon once they get to school and see what family is really supposed to be they will begin to question their own reality.
This situation could be completely different if Brenda was do what is right and correct by her children and by God. I clearly told Brenda in an e-mail “I am willing to go to church with you even though I am a Muslim, we can raise him in the church, he doesn’t have to be Muslim, he can be Christian.” A family consists of a male and a female and this woman Kelly has altered her perception of this, I can tell by looking at her pictures she truly believes in the new Gay Movement of same-sex marriage which really is none of my business but when my child is involved it is my business. There are two boys being raise in a lesbian home which they have sugar coated with “Love is Love” but the long term effects of this will affect these boys when they get older and in Middle School and High School. What will my son say to his teammates on the football field about his home life? My son will look at other kids with their fathers in jealousy knowing he is supposed to have a father in his life also but the truth was hidden from him from his birth that his dad had a lot of plans for him and left everything down in Florida to move back to Fargo to take care of him but did not get the chance to do it because of the evil of his mother.
Will you keep it hidden from him about what I did Laurie or will you tell him the truth about his father. That he was born in Fargo, North Dakota and when he was 1 ½ years old his dad came back up to Fargo to try to raise him but his mother refused to let him see his father because she feared the bond we have might be stronger than her bond with him so she kept him from his dad. Will you tell him how has dad use to have to steal pictures of him from his mothers and Kellie’s Facebook just to see how he’s aging? Will you tell your grandson the truth about me or will you keep it hidden from him? Will you tell him about the time I came to your office and how I clearly told you I want to do what is right by my son or will you hide that from him too. Will you tell him how his dad wanted to send money to his mother during Christians to buy him clothes to wear to take pictures in for her to e-mails them to him to see the clothes she bought that he wired to her for Christmas for him and Elijah or will you keep that from him too? I told Brenda in an e-mail in December of 2010 “Look, I want to send you money for the children for Christmas, I want to do it. I want to send $100 for Elijah and $100 for Noah to buy them both gifts for Christmas, why are you being mean to me? Why be mean to someone who wants to help you?”
Do you see all of this I have wrote to you Laurie about the evil of your daughter keeping my child from me and his father’s guidance about God’s instructions to Mankind and about living in God light? Is this the writings of a man who is crazy and insane? Is this the writings of a man who is violent or needs physiatrist help? To want to teach my son about God and prayer and acts of charity and exceling in sports and football and school, your telling me this is the writings of a man who is nuts?

 Now you see why your daughter wants to keep my son away from me because my son may turn out to say “Well my dad kinda makes more sense than my mom does” This is why she wants to keep him away from me because of my strong religious thoughts, do you know what I would tell my son regarding religion?
“My son, I do not care whether you are Muslim, Christian, Jew or whatever, all I can do is try to guide you. If you do not feel comfortable being a Muslim then be a Christian but a sincere Christian, not someone who claims to be Christians but never prays or give to the homeless like your mother but be sincere in your religion whatever it is. Do better than I did with it, keep God in your life in everything you do and worship him and thank him for the gifts he sent down to you, for he gave you life and at least try to show some kind of appreciation in your prayers to him each night”
To your daughter these are the words of a crazy person, these are the words of a violent man, these are the words she has made a pact with Satan to keep away from my son until the Day of Judgment.
For she knows I will teach him to live in accordance with God’s laws or at least try to so you can get to the Paradise, our lives are being monitored by angels who take notes of our actions in this life and when we go to the grave death is not the end, God will sort out who paid attention to him and who ignore his instructions, those of ignored him and his instructions will go to Hell and those who listened and at least tried to do as best they could in this life will go to Heaven, those who ignore God in this life will be ignored the same way in death by his mercy.
Brenda will strive to keep my son from me because she wants to live in darkness in her new lifestyle of homosexuality but she cannot keep him from me forever. Evil cannot last forever, good must prevail and I will continue to pray and ask God to make Noah a believer, make him a believer so I can meet him in the grave, if she succeeds in this life by keeping him away from me more power to her but we all must go to the grave in the end, some of us sooner and others and I will wait for him in the grave and he will come to me, I pray every night to Allah to bring my son to me, if not in this life bring him to me  in the grave and punish her God, punish her for the evil she does to my son by hiding his dad from him!!! I will pray and pray and pray God brings punishment to her and bad luck for the evil she is doing to Noah and his father in this life by keeping this innocent child from his father. Most of all I will pray God cause her health to deteriorate in this life and I am confident that he will do it as punishment for her evil against me and my son. So remember my words Laurie, until your daughter does what is right by God by leaving that filthy lifestyle of Homosexuality and coming back to the Lord I will continue to pray for punishment to her by causing her health to deteriorate for her evil against me. I lay in bed at night stressing waking up at 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning thinking about my son knowing no matter what this evil woman will not let me see him, and if you ask her, “What has this man did to you that is so bad?” She has no answer for you, I have done nothing to this woman, she just simply does not like the way I treat people who disrespect me, I do not allow disrespect by other males but I am far from crazy and everything you just read I intend to post on line under her name and my sons name so he may stubble across it one day. I also plan to make videos and put under his name that will be waiting for him to read and watch when he gets older and when he finds out on that day how bad his father wanted to be in his life and tried to be in his life but the evil inside his mother would not allow it all because I wanted him to believe in God and worship God he is going to be one extremely angry young man at his motheer. Again, everything you just read Laurie was forwarded to about 30 people on Facebook, all consisting of your friends and her friends with the links to your page and Brenda’s page (Your daughter) Until this evil woman lets me see my child I will flood the internet with my writings and I also am contacting every lawyer and Judge in Maricopa County in Family Law to help me. All I want is to be in my son’s life and raise my child as his father and your daughter continues to lie and say this is evil, she believes it is evil for me to want to see my own child. In her mind she is saying to me “How dare you!!! How dare you want to see your own child!!” Why would you want to be in your child’s life!! That is wrong to want to raise your own child!!!” She truly believes that and I am going to expose this to the world by forwarding all my writings to the courts and television shows, newsrooms, talk shows, everyone. I will write and write and write until the world knows my story and knows your daughter as the most unstable mother in America do you know why? Here it is:

Here is a woman named Brenda Hutchenson who is so evil she doesn’t even know what she has. With thousands of mothers in America who have children by dead beat fathers and men who continue to abandon their children and walk away from their responsibility here is a woman who has a child by a man that has been struggling since the birth of this child to be there for his son and be in his life she refuses to let him take care of his son and be there for his child. Women who can’t get child support to find the fathers of their babies to get them to help out with the children here is a man who filed child support on his own self to be his child’s life and provide for his son and take care of his responsibilities she refused it. Why? All because he is a Muslim and does not allow other males to disrespect him and has had a couple of brushes with the law, because of these three things she refuses to let him see his child but he has never done anything to this woman.
I am telling you this again so you remember it and Brenda remembers it. I am going to prison soon to do some time for a case from 2 years ago but in the mean time until I have to turn myself in I am going to post my writings and videos to my son on the internet and put all of my words under Brenda’s name and Noah’s name for him to come across one day and for someone who can contact me and help me in my quest to see my child and raise my child as a man should be and Kelly if your reading this remember this:
Every time you look in my son’s eyes know his father made a promise to him I will search and search and search and fight and fight and fight to find my son and to bring him to the path of God and teach him the truth about this life and his purpose on this earth which is to do what is right and worship his Lord before death comes upon him and it is too late for repentance, this is the first of my postings so I tell you to Google “Noah Hutchenson” and “Brenda Hutchenson” and see what pulls up and when you find it know that this letter is the first of many more postings to come under those names, all out of frustration of this evil force inside of Brenda Hutchenson who refuses to let this child meet his real father, know Brenda, Laurie and Kelly that God is with me and this is a case of “good vs evil” and a case of a fathers quest to see his son and the public always support this kind of fight, from Attorneys to Judges to pastors to Imams. I am simply a man has rose his right hand to God and stated:
I will not stop my search for my child until the eye lids close permanently and my feet take their final steps on this earth.

Brenda Hutchenson believes the father of her child is crazy and unstable to be in his sons life, we’ll let us see if that is truly the case in his letter I am planning to send out to every Judge and attorney in Maricopa county and post on the internet for the world to read and be the judge of who is right and who is wrong.
Brenda Hutchenson is living a life of immorality and has chosen Homosexuality out of frustration that men do not take much interest in her due to her weight so she has chosen the desires of the flesh, this is a woman who has two fatherless children and is now married to a woman painting a false picture of her happiness regardless of how her lifestyle will affect her children and she will have to answer to God when this life is over with, she just approaching her 30’s and I’m just approaching my 40’s, and while she enjoy’s her life of self-glorification and lust with another woman I am preparing my soul spiritually for the after-life by continuing to keep up my prayers and asking my Lord for forgiveness from my action in this life, something this woman rejects to install in herself and her child but Oh how quick this brief life is, while the people who reject God indulge themselves in their self-glorification by uploading pictures of all their new passions on Facebook, Twitter, cell phones and dating sites and e-mails the truth believers are keeping up their prayers and fearing what is beyond that grave in the afterlife for those who reject faith. My Lord warned me in that book “We swear to you Oh Mankind we shall raise you up from those graves and we will put you back together to the very tips of your fingers on that day and you will see the look of terror on the faces of those who rejected our instructions!!!”

THE HOLY QURAN : “Oh if you could only see the looks on their faces when they come to the grave!!” How shocked they are!!” I tell your daughter just as the Quran tells those who reject it “Enjoy your brief day Mankind!! Ohhhh enjoy your brief day in this life Brenda Hutchenson but soon you shall come to know what I’m talking bout when you get to that grave!!!!!!

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